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Rosary Confraternity Prayer

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    Queen of the Most Holy Rosary and Mother of us all, we come to you for help in our sorrows, trails and necessities. Sin leaves us weak and helpless but Divine Grace heals and strengthens.

     We ask for the grace to love Jesus as you loved Him, to believe as you believed, to hope as you hoped; we ask to share your purity of mind and heart. Give us true sorrow for sin and make us love people as you and Jesus loved them. Obtain for us the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we may be wise with your wisdom, understand with your understanding, know with your knowledge, prudent with your prudence, patient with your patience, courageous with your fortitude and desire justice ardently for everyone with the all consuming desire of the Sacred Heart of Jeus your Son.

     Open our minds that as we pray the Rosary we will understand the teaching of the Gospel contained in its mysteries.

     We pray especially for the members of the Rosary Confraternity whom we love. Help them wherever they may be; guide them, watch over them and mak them strong in their trials and suffering. We are drawn together by a common bond of great charity for you and for each other; keep us faithful to your Son and to your Rosary till death.

     Intercede for the souls in Purgatory, especially for the members of the Rosary Confraternity who have died. May they rest in peace. Finally we ask for the grace of final preseverance for ourselves and for our loved ones that we may all be reunited in heaven forever.

     Saint Dominic, you who received so much Grace and Strength from the Rosary, Pray for Us.


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