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The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Carmel

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One of the signs in the tradition of the Church from many centuries ago is the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It is a sign approved by the Church and accepted by the Carmelite Order as an external sign of love for Mary, of the trust her children have in her, and of commitment to live like her.  
The word scapular indicates a form of clothing which monks wore when they were working.  

With the passage of time, people began to  give symbolic meaning to it: the cross to be borne every day as disciples and followers of Christ. In some religious orders, such as the Carmelites, the Scapular turned into a sign of their way of life. The Scapular came to symbolize the special dedication of Carmelites to Mary, the Mother of God, and to express trust in her motherly protection as well as the desire to be like her in her commitment to Christ and to others. Thus it became a sign of Mary.



This is Mary's Promise
made July 16, 1251
to Saint Simon Stock
Your SCAPULAR, then should take on the deep meaning for you. It is a rich present brought down from Heaven by


"Wear it devoutly and perseveringly," she says to each soul, "it is my garment. To be clothed in it means you are continually thinking of me, and I in turn, am always thinking of you and helping you to secure eternal life."

St. Alphonus says:

"Just as men take pride in having others wear their livery, so the most holy Mary is pleased when we her servants wear her capular as a mark that they have dedicated themselves to her service, and are members of the Family oof the Mother of God."

The Scapular Medal

Many Catholics may not know that it is the wish of our Holy Father, the Pope, that the SCAPULAR MEDAL should not be worn in place of the CLOTH SCAPULAR without sufficent reason. Mary cannot be pleased with any one who substitutes the medal out of vanity, or fear to make open profession of religion. Such persons run the risk of not receiving the Promise. The medal has never been noted for any of the miraculous preservations attributed to the BROWN CLOTH SCAPULAR.

True Devotion to Mary



Without saying to Mary that we venerate her, love her and trust her, we tell her these things every moment of the day, by simply wearing the scapular.

The Scapular then Is a Prayer

Our Lord taught us to say the "Our Father." Mary taughtus the value of the Scapular. When we use the value of the scapular. When we use it as a prayer, Our Ladydrawsus to the Sacred Heart of her Divine Son. It is well, therefore, to hold the scapular in thehand, ,while addressing Our Lady. A Prayer uttered thus while holding the mystical scapular is a perfect as a prayer can be. It is especially sc in TIME OF TEMPTATION that we need the powerful intercession of God's Mother. The evil spirit is utterly powerless when a scapular-wearer, besides his silent devotion, faces temptation calling upon mary.

"If thou hadst recommended thyself to me, thou
  wouldst not have run into such danger," was Our
   Lady's gentle reproach to Blessed Alan.

Because you love Mary's scapular

Pope Benedict XV granted an indulgence of 500 days each time the scapular is kissed. MARY'S MOTHERHOOD is not limited to Catholics, it is extended to ALL MEN. Many miracles of conversion have been wrought in favor of good non-Catholics who have been induced to practice the scapular devotion.

"I wanted to know if Mary really and truly interested Hersel in me. And in the scapular She has given me the most tangible assurance. I have only to open my eyes. She has attached Her protection to this scapular: 'Whosever dies clothed in this, shall not suffer eternal fire'"
- Blessed Claude de la Colombiere

When the clouds of tempation overshadow the day
May the light of Mount Carmel shine down on my way;
When the long road is ending, may I go to rest
With Mary's brown scapular over my breast.

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