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You don’t know how to meditate?
No problem. Meditation is simply prayer
of the mind and heart.

Meditations by Saint Padre Pio

May Mary be the entire reason for your existence, and may She guide you to the secure port of eternal well being. May She be your gentle model and inspiration in the virtue of humility.

The ardent desire to be in eternal peace is good and holy. But it is necessary to moderate it by a complete resignation to the Divine Will. It is better to do the Divine Will on earth than to enjoy heaven. To suffer and not to die was the motto of St. Therese. Purgatory is sweet when one suffers for the love of God.

One thing is necessary: to be near Jesus. You know well that at the birth of our Lord the shepherds heard the angelic and divine chants of the heavenly spirits. The Scriptures say so. But they do not say that his Virgin Mother and St. Joseph, who were nearer to the Child, heard the voices of the angels or saw those miracles of splendor. On the contrary, they heard the Child weeping and saw by the light of a poor lantern the eyes of the Divine Child all bathed in tears, in sighs and shivering with cold. Now I ask you: Would you not have preferred to have been with the shepherds, beside yourself with joy over those sweet melodies from heaven and the beauties of this wonderful splendor?

There can be no guilt except in that which the soul wills, or, not having willed it, approves it and does not make an effort to remove it.

Endeavor to unite to the simplicity of children the prudence of adults.

When you are exposed to any trial, be it physical or moral, bodily or spiritual, the best remedy is to think of Jesus who is our life and not to think of the trial without joining it to the thought of Jesus.

Meditations by Sister Mary Francis Gangloff, O.S.F.

                  For those who have endured great tragedy
                  And still had the courage to reach out
                  To others in need,
                  We pray that they may inspire us
                  To find our way out of the darkness
                  And embrace the light.

                 Thank you, God, for rainbow dreams.
                 May you be the rainbow
                 Beyond the storms of life.

Meditations by Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Prayer is powerful beyond limits when we turn to the Immaculata who is queen even of God's heart.

The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers.

Courage, my sons, Don't you see that we are leaving on a mission? They pay our fare in the bargain. What a piece of good luck! The thing to do now is to pray well in order to win as many souls as possible. Let us, then, tell the Blessed Virgin that we are content, and that she can do with us anything she wishes

Meditations by Saint Francis of Assisi

Hail Holy Lady most holy Queen,
Mary Mother of God.
Chosen by the Father in heaven
consecrated by Him.
With His most beloved Son and
Holy Spirit comforter,
On you descended and still remains
fullness of grace
And every good.

Hail His palace and His robe,
Mary Mother of God.
Hail His handmaid lowely and pure,
Loving servant of the Lord.
Hail holy virtues given by God
to all the faithful in the world,
So that no longer we faithless be,
And may become the
servants of the Lord.

Most high, glorious God,
enlighten the darkness of my
  heart, give me, Lord, a correct
  faith, a certain hope, a perfect
  charity, sense and knowledge,
  so that I may carry out Your
  holy and true command.

What are the servants of God but his singers whose duty it is to lift up the hearts of men and women and move them to spiritual joy?

Meditations by Saint Vincent de Paul

It is a good thing to induce others to excercise charity. To do so is to practice all virtues at once.

Love is creative, even infinitely creative.

If the love of God is fire, zeal is its flame. If love is a sun, zeal is its ray.

Give me a person of prayer, and such a one will be capable of accomplishing anything.

Meditations by Saint Theresa Margret

  I desire to love you, O my God, with a love that is patient, with a love that abandons itself wholly to you, with a love that acts, and most important of all, with a love that perseveres.
   Just as one who loves a creature thinks of ot often, so let the lover of God have him often in his thoughts.
   The mirror into which we must look in order to attain divine love is Jesus Christ.
   If the actions of our neighbors had a hundred sides, we ought to look at them on the best side.
   When an action is blameworthy, we should strive to see the good intentions back of ot.
   Let us do everything for love and, remembering that love longs for the love alone, nothing can appear hard to us.

Meditations by Saint Clare of Assisi

Happy the soul to whom it is given to attain this life with Christ, to cleave with all one's heart to Him:

Whose beauty all the heavenly hosts behold forever,
Whose love inflames our love,
Whose contemplation is our refreshment,
whose graciousness is our delight,
Whose gentleness fills us to overflowing,
Whose remembrance gives sweet light,
Whose fragrance revives the dead,
Whose glorious vision will be the happiness of all the citizens of that
   heavenly Jerusalem.

For he is the brightness of eternal glory, the splendor of eternal light, the mirror without spot.

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